Vine, the popular video sharing service, on Tuesday updated its iOS app making it easier for people to search for Vine videos inside the app. The company says it will roll out the same functionality to the Android app “soon”.
As a part of the latest update version 3.4.0, once users click on the search button in the Explore tab, they can enter word, phrase or account, and apart from just people and tags that Vine showed earlier, users will also see Vine video as top or recent posts. The updated app is available to download from the App Store.
In April, Twitter’s Vine rolled out a nifty little update for its iOS app that makes sharing of vines easier on different social platforms. Specifically version 3.3.0, the updated app has included a sharing screen in the app, which now uploads several options like Facebook, Twitter, Revine and more. An option to add a comment while sharing was also added. The company also added the Tumblr sharing option.
The Twitter-owned firm earlier this year also introduced a feature that would enable users to view videos more quickly and even when they are offline. The firm added that it made a couple of changes in the app update, which makes the app start downloading content, including the user’s home feed, activity notifications and Vines in Explore before the user opens the app. Vine had also added network caching, and introduced a smaller video file size.