While the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are now in millions of pockets around the world, the iRumour continues to spin its mysterious web of speculation regarding their successor.
Will it be called the iPhone 6s or the iPhone 7? Will it get another screen-size boost? Will it shoot 8K video from its 32MP camera?
In truth, we don’t yet know. But as the first snippets of info about it leak out, we can make some educated guesses and hopefully help determine which of the rumours to believe.
So on this page we’ll be gathering together all the speculation, all the hearsay and, occasionally, all the hard news about the Apple iPhone 7. Or iPhone 6s. Or whatever it’s called. Read on for all of the latest.
Let’s start off easy. Apple iPhone 7? Apple iPhone 6s? Apple iPhone Xtreme?
Only the first two options are likely, and although Apple’s past behaviour points to a 6s moniker, there is a chance that Apple could ditch that system altogether and go straight for the 7.
[SOURCE- “stuff.tv”]