Touching elders’ feet is the first and the foremost lesson in etiquette which is taught to all Indian children since childhood. Touching someone’s feet, generally of elders or teachers, shows the respect one has for the other person who is considered wiser and more knowledgeable. More than our elders, we always touch the feet of our gurus or mentors who have guided us all the way. This tradition has come across through thousands of years, right from the roots our ancient civilisations of the Sanatan Dharma.

(Image source: Dharma Production)
The scientific aspect of the custom
In this Indian custom, the student or the younger person touches the feet of his elder as a mark of respect and gets blessings via the elder’s hand put on the younger one’s head. In fact, traditions hold that there is a specific way of touching your elder’s feet, a posture that allows the nerve endings of both the parties to connect in such a way that energy can flow from one person to the other. So, when one touches another’s feet, the older or wiser person becomes the ‘giver’ of energy while the younger person becomes a ‘receiver’.
Here we are talking in context of a viral video that has been doing rounds on social media.
Gaurav Jhaveri, the Indian student who did not forget his sanskaar
An Indian student, who did not forget his culture despite living US at a recently held graduation ceremony touched the feet of the college dean which receiving the certificate.
Meet, Gaurav Jhaveri, a student of Illinois Institute of Technology who at IIT Chicago in the USA during the Commencement ceremony for the school of applied technology who almost shocked everything present at the ceremony.
Moreover, in the video, the startled reaction of the Dean can clearly be seen as Gaurav touches his feet.