In recent years the police, government and NHS have all had data lost or stolen, often costing thousands in fines as well as the loss of important and confidential data!
In each case, unencrypted USB storage devices were involved. The reasons for these incidents usually point to lack of education of data security and handling as well as the cost of encryption solutions.
However, there is now a relatively cheap and simple alternative to unencrypted USB storage devices and Resolve are proud to now supply these to SME’s as well as large organisations.
This is a very simple to use, hardware encrypted and PIN activated USB flash drive. This means not only is a PIN needed to access the data, but when the device is ‘locked’ the information is encrypted with military grade AES 256-bit encryption. They are also FIPS Level 3 Certified (essentially a US version of ISO standards) which is useful for organisations that need to conform to those standards
The device requires no specialist software to encrypt and decrypt the data. This means it’s compatible with virtually any operating system (XP, Windows 7/8, Mac OSX, Linux etc.) or host machine (Network attached storage, media centres etc.) This is where other encryption solutions become bulky to manage and expensive.
The datAshur also hosts a re-chargeable Li-Po battery. The PIN number is entered before the device is connected into a USB port, at which point the data is accessible and the battery is charged at the same time. Once the device is removed from the USB port, it is automatically locked and the data is instantly encrypted.
As the PIN number is entered on the device itself, it removes the vulnerability of key-loggers and brute force attacks. The biggest risk of this is that, if an in-correct PIN number is entered more than ten times, the encryption keys, PIN numbers and any data on the device is removed and a new random encryption key is created. This does result in a total loss of data on the device, but means that if the device is lost or stolen, you can be rest assured that any data on there is not accessible.
An ‘Admin’ PIN can also be created. This can be used if the user forgets their PIN and requires this to be reset or if the user leaves the organisation and data needs to be retrieved from the device.
Other security features include a basic, yet very useful PIN requirement feature. This requires that the PIN number must be between 7 and 15 digits in length, must not contain repeating numbers (1-1-1-1-1-1-1) and must not contain sequential number patterns (1-2-3-4-5-6-7).
Resolve also supply other iStorage data encryption solutions including portable encrypted and PIN activated hard drives. These are available in varying options such as solid state drives, USB 3.0 and up to 3TB.
If you would like to know more about iStorage secure data solutions or data security in general, give us a call on 0114 299 4050 and make sure your data is safe and secure!