Mighty Fortress Church serves the northern cities of Minneapolis and surrounding areas. The church is committed to creating disciples for Christ while fostering an environment conducive to spiritual growth and development. While the mission of the church is broad, Bishop Thomas Willis also wants each member of the congregation to feel personally connected to the church. With this understood, church involvement is essential to growth of the church and its individual members. Church involvement can seem like an arduous task but getting involved at Mighty Fortress can be exciting and rewarding. While church attendance is the most obvious way to be involved in church, there are also several other steps you can take to improve the way you fellowship at church. One of the first steps you can take is to determine what your gift is so that you can serve the church in that capacity. For instance, some people are great at making people feel welcomed. For those individuals, acting as a greeter is a simple way to get involved. Greeters meet congregants as they walk into the doors of the church and offer them an encouraging word. Being involved at church also means being aware of the needs that the church has and making yourself available to meet those needs. These needs might include volunteering in the nursery, teaching vacation bible school, or helping to clean up the sanctuary following services. These things are important to the development and sustainability of a church and should be taken into consideration if you are looking to be more involved in church.
Mighty Fortress Church also needs assistance in the area of hospitality. Opening your home for fellowship can assist in helping people feel more welcomed as part of the church family. Hospitality can also be shown by assisting in the preparing and serving of meals following church hosted funerals. Mighty Fortress Church also has many activities outside of scheduled weekly services. For instance, on the 1st Friday of every month the singles ministry holds a bible study at the Hampton Inn in Maple Grove, Minnesota at 6:00 p.m. Additionally, every 4th Friday of the month the Young Adults ministry, known as SHIFT, offers a fellowship at 8:30 p.m. Both of these activities are available as a way to further your involvement in the church. Other ways to get involved at Mighty Fortress include sending encouraging notes and visiting the sick and the elderly. There are people in the church community that are experiencing hardships. Your kind words of encouragement and visitations can assist in easing their burdens. Lastly, one of the most uplifting and important ways to get involved is to in prayer for the church body and its leaders. Some obstacles can only be overcome through prayer and it is a concrete and loving way to be a positive influence on the church family. However you choose to get involved at Mighty Fortress Church, your presence and involvement contributes greatly to our mission of making disciples for Christ.