We do our best to keep tabs on all the products included in our annual Best of What’s New list. It’s the most definitive, the most deeply vetted product roundup Popular Science publishes. Our tech editors spend the better part of a year choosing, testing, and critiquing the 100 items that have the capacity to change your life.
That all being said: If one of these venerated picks goes on sale, we want you to know about it.
Take, for instance, LG’s Ultra 4K OLED TV, which was highlighted in last year’s Best of What’s New list. Here’s what we had to say about it:
Even the best 4K TVs can swallow up details in the darkest and brightest parts of the image. High-dynamic range (HDR)—a catchall term for video encoded with a billions-deep color gamut—brings those nuances into the forefront. LG’s Signature OLED TVs render colors better than any other. The sets support both the HDR10 and Dolby Vision HDR standards, so viewers can count on seeing the full rainbow, no matter their content source.
The 65-inch TV has four HDMI and three USB ports. It has built in Wi-Fi and includes webOS 3.0 Smart TV, which will let you listen to music or watch movies on apps such as Netflix or Amazon. And it’s on sale for some $2,000 off. Buy it over on Amazon for $5,997.
With all our product stories, the goal is simple: more information about the stuff you’re thinking about buying. We may sometimes get a cut from a purchase, but if something shows up on one of our pages, it’s because we like it. Period.